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Little ABC of nass magnet's products (Part 3)
"What at all is a solenoid valve?" and "How is a solenoid valve constructed?" - These were the questions that we tried to answer in the first two parts of our small series. Part 3 is dedicated to the field of application of the top product from nass magnet. This is to say in advance: There is not only one field of application, there are countless applications around the world where our solenoid valves are reliably doing their job.
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Little ABC of nass magnet's products (Part 2)
What at all is a solenoid valve? - That was the question in the first part of our small technical series about the product from nass magnet that is very appreciated by many customers. The answer was "...that a solenoid valve is a kind of pilot for the main valve with clear instructions for the gas: There is the way... right now! And now not. And so on." In the following we address the question how a solenoid valve is constructed.
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Little ABC of nass magnet's products (Part 1)
If children want to understand physical correlations, they mostly ask their teacher. Some pester their parents. And since on TV such topics are aimed at children, in Germany for instance, one hears more often: "Ask the mouse!". While children ask and ask until they have received the (correct) answer, adults do not do so very often. Example working place: "How do the parts work in which I screw in the screws X and Y every day and what is the purpose of the finished products?" - For everyone who (finally) wants to know, the iMAGE is searching for answers in a little series. In the first part we ask: What at all is a solenoid valve?
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Cobot opportunities
In order to remain competitive, it is really important, among other things, to keep up with technological developments and stay open-minded towards new technologies. New technologies can support our colleagues, reduce their workload and improve quality. One of these new technologies are cobots — small and large robots whose job it is to take some of the load off our colleagues. The aim is for the cobots to improve working conditions for people — not to replace the people.
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Twin Boost production
For a long time, we have been operating an extensive assembly line for producing „Twin Boost“ pneumatic spring control units for cars at our site in Hungary. Our customer‘s demand for this type of product is steadily increasing. The high reliability of our product as well as our very good customer supply and support systems contribute to our customer‘s ground-breaking success, who thus became a market leader in this sector.
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The Smart Connector
Even our best products only remain successful if they are continuously developed. The technology used in our components continually confronts us with more and more challenges. The valve connector market expects innovative possibilities and functions, such as a timer or power regulation for voltage and current. But how can all this technology be controlled in our compact components? We have been tackling this problem over the past few years and have found a solution in the form of the industry standard IO-Link.
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Industrial mechanic training
We have started to train industrial mechanics again. The idea to restart the industrial mechanic training programme at nass magnet was first floated around two years ago. At this time, we had to face up to the task of keeping pace with the constant growth of special machinery manufacturing. The focal points of industrial mechanic training are a better match for our requirements than, for example, toolmaker training specialising in moulding technology, which was the main training programme we used to offer in the field of mechanics. The links between tool manufacturing and special machinery manufacturing have changed to such a great extent over recent years that in future we will have to reflect this shift in training.
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Efficiency and optimisation
Medium-sized companies, of which nass magnet GmbH is one, make up a large share of the economic power in Germany. They also play a leading role in the industries where they are active, both in Europe and worldwide — sometimes even occupying the market leading position. These companies are characterised not only by their interesting product ranges, but also by their efficient decision-making channels and, as a result, faster response times. These are just some of the many points that make nass magnet a promising company.
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HU reduces scrappage costs
Quality assured!HU reduces scrappage costsAfter a change of management in 2017 and the addition of a number of new specialist staff, the Quality Assurance department in our Hungarian subsidiary nass magnet Hungária Kft. was finally in a position to fulfil the company‘s quality objectives without ...
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The new injection moulding machines
The new injection moulding machinesPrecision, high repeat accuracy, economyInnovative products and teamwork are cornerstones of our company. To hold our own against the competition, however, we need to keep pace with the technology. For this reason, we have been replacing the old injection moulding ...
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