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Social responsibility at nass magnet Hungária

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Social responsibility at nass magnet Hungária

Over the years, our company‘s employees have repeatedly proven that it is important to them to work for good causes. With this in mind, we are always on the lookout for new opportunities to help organisations or individuals through material as well as financial fund-raising or by sharing calls for support on social media.


At our latest and possibly largest fund-raising event in January 2021, we collected donations for the PIC (perinatal intensive care ward) of the „Cholnoky“ hospital in Veszprém.

The perinatal intensive care ward is an intensive care ward where illnesses and complications which arise around the time of birth are treated. Intrauterine (before birth) developmental defects, infections which arise in the weeks before birth as well as pathological states, which can occur during labour. This is also where babies who are born too early are cared for.

Initiatives previously supported by nass magnet Hungária Kft.:

-Development of a permanent blood donation point over the last few years
-Support of animal protection organisations in and around Veszprém (materially and financially)
-Financial support for procuring medical equipment for the „Cholnoky Ferenc“ hospital in Veszprém
-Collecting toys for children in hospital
-Call for donations through social media channels for children suffering from SMA-1*
-Financial support for charities which look after sick children in the region
-Financial support for various sports activities for children of primary school age
-German National Kindergarten in Bánd** (financial support)

*SMA = spinal muscular atrophy, a disease of the nerve cells
**a village near Veszprém

The intensive care ward began working in 1989. After hospital renovations in 1995, it became a separate department. By hiring neonatology specialists (specialising in the care of new-born babies), care for babies born too early and very sick newborns could begin on-site.

The range of services regarding obstetrics continued to be expanded — thanks to the intensive care centre being supported and the constant presence of paediatricians, it was possible to take care of critical cases and early births as soon as they arose in the region around Veszprém.

We found a call requesting a partnership with the PIC on Facebook. We knew straight away that we had to support this initiative. After making initial contact, during which we asked for permission to publicise the call and asked whether we would be allowed to organise our own fund-raising campaign, we told our Hungarian workforce
about this initiative.

Donations were collected between 6th and 29th January. At first, we only organised a collection for things directly relevant to looking after small children — nappies, baby bottles, wet wipes, etc. Following this, we had the fantastic idea to also collect monetary donations because, due to the current Covid situation, many colleagues feel less comfortable going shopping.

When the fund-raising event ended, two large boxes had been filled with collected material donations. An additional 100,000 HUF (Hungarian Forint, equal to about 275 Euros) had been collected in monetary donations. Originally, the plan was to buy more nappies and baby bottles, among other things, with this money. The fund-raising event on Facebook suggested, however, that several other individuals and organisations had also joined the campaign in the meantime and had also been collecting many material donations.

After the subsequent phone conversation with Dr. Tamás Tenk, the head doctor of the PIC, who very much welcomed our interest, we were directed to an online shop where we were able to directly buy and donate the required breast-feeding equipment.

Deák Balázs
HR Coordinator,
nass magnet Hungária Kft.


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