Equipped for the future
Investing in digital modernisation
„The only constant is change.“ These words perfectly encapsulate the current situation. With the age of digital modernisation in full flow, we are witnessing increasing dynamism in the market environment. Digital technologies are becoming increasingly dominant in the world of work, while the rate of change that we are experiencing is more rapid than ever. Our high-quality products, outstanding service and effective business model are no longer the only relevant factors when it comes to maintaining our competitive edge and cultivating our success.
In today‘s world, a company‘s success is heavily dependent on its ability to react swiftly to change. To hold our own against the competition, we need to implement increasingly comprehensive digital networking with customers, suppliers and business partners coupled with digital and automated processes guarantee competitive strength. However, considering the security of data and availability of IT systems, this is also one of the greatest challenges for the future.
Together, we will forge a path that will see us become a digital, networked, intelligent company, and for this we will be working in partnership with SAP. The SAP system that we have been using since 2009 for controlling processes and data within the company needs to be replaced by 2027. The migration to the new system, which will be called SAP S/4HANA, will form the basis for the next steps in our digital modernisation strategy and will involve a seven-figure investment in hardware and software.
One thing is for certain:
The digital revolution affecting the course of the economy poses considerable financial challenges for our group of companies. But by making significant investments, we are laying the foundation for future-proof solutions that will pay dividends in the long run, allowing us to further consolidate our position as a market leader in the magnet and valve manufacturing industry over the coming years.
This will enable us to create new jobs and safeguard existing ones, which will play a key role in the success of future measures to improve, upgrade and modernise the group.
Michael Weper
Deputy Manager, nass magnet GmbH