Sponsored by nass magnet
Support for the region
The company group nass magnet participates in many local and regional projects as a sponsor. In addition to encouraging the next generation, this also advertises the company‘s identity more effectively. Win-win.

The mobile football pitch
A portable football pitch for schools that don‘t have their own? A wonderful idea! Mr Propp from Communitas-Sozialmarketing GmbH came to us with this concept, and was met with great enthusiasm. Not all schools in the Hanover region can offer their pupils their own football pitch. Often this is to do with a lack of space or high costs. The mobile football pitch travels from school to school and is a complete substitute.The pitch is financed through a sponsoring program by local businesses. Just like a real stadium, they rent advertising space and displays on the pitch and the associated truck. We are excited to have two large advertisements there in future and to support this idea. Not only does this give a positive impression of our brand, but also allows us to present ourselves as a training organisation on the signs.

The pitch is financed through a sponsoring program by local businesses. Just like a real stadium, they rent advertising space and displays on the pitch and the associated truck. We are excited to have two large advertisements there in future and to support this idea. Not only does this give a positive impression of our brand, but also allows us to present ourselves as a training organisation on the signs.